Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Grave detail, Old Sheldon Church, Garden Corners, SC

Age doesn't destroy but enhances. In the United States, we tear down or destroy everything that is old and replace it with something new, something not built to last, something with a built-in obsolescence. In Europe they live in buildings that are thousands of years old, repaired and repaired again, respected for the fact that they have endured. This gravestone is at least 140 years old, maybe older. It has not lost its beauty, age has enhanced it.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Peregrine Falcon, Raptor Center, Georgia Southern University, GA

In New York, there was a family of peregrine falcons that lived on the top of the Consolidated Edison Building on Irving Place, and there were peregrine falcons who hunted in Central Park. So obviously they can adapt to living just about anyplace. A small but fierce bird, this one kept staring at me as if he wanted to get at me for bothering him.