Thursday, October 28, 2004

5 Days to the election

5 days left to the most important election since Humphrey/Nixon, and we saw what happened when the worst candidate won. Kerry isn't perfect but as the saying goes "In the land of the blind, (and boy are Bushbaby and Meany (I mean Cheney) blind,) the one-eyed man is king. Vote for the one-eyed man, because the blind guys are leading us over a cliff.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Another day at the funhouse

Even Bushbaby's hand picked puppet, Allawi, is turning against the occupation, blaming the American forces for not protecting the security trainees after 51 were killed in an ambush. Is there anyone left in Iraq who supports the occupation? I'm beginning to think there isn't. Vote for Kerry. It's obviously that the Bushbaby's administration is morally bankrupt and unable to do anything right.

Monday, October 25, 2004


59 Iraqi police officers killed yesterday, bombs all over the place. Bushbaby's solution is to create a Iraqi Army and Police Force that will destroy the insurgency. We had a name for it during the Vietnam War, it was called Vietnamization. It didn't work then, because the South Vietnamese were no match for the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese, and they didn't have their countrymen behind them. Sound familiar? When 95% of the country wants us out of there and thinks that the Iraqi government is just a puppet government for the United States to pull its strings, it won't work here either.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Another Bloody Day in Iraq

At least 20 Iraqis and 1 American were killed and many other Americans wounded. Yet, it still is a close election. Robert Novak, who broke the law when he revealed the name of a CIA field agent, is still on CNN and still has a column. Why hasn't he been charged and brought to trial for breaking the law?

Friday, October 22, 2004


Tomorrow, Saturday, I am going up to Harriman State Park in New York to shoot the fall foliage. Today as I was walking my dogs in the park I spotted about 10-15 deer, magnificent animals who harm noone. And I thought about what will happen in a couple of weeks when deer season opens and a bunch of fools go into the woods with guns to hunt deer and call it a sport.
In less than 2 weeks we will vote for a president, and I hope it is John Kerry. I don't think the country can stand another four years of Bushbaby. I am a Vietnam Vet, I know what war is like, and I also know what it's like to be in a foreign land fighting a war for no other reason than a bunch of fat old men's stupid pride. Pray for peace.


Tomorrow, Saturday, I am going up to Harriman State Park in New York to shoot the fall foliage. Today as I was walking my dogs in the park I spotted about 10-15 deer, magnificent animals who harm noone. And I thought about what will happen in a couple of weeks when deer season opens and a bunch of fools go into the woods with guns to hunt deer and call it a sport.
In less than 2 weeks we will vote for a president, and I hope it is John Kerry. I don't think the country can stand another four years of Bushbaby. I am a Vietnam Vet, I know what war is like, and I also know what it's like to be in a foreign land fighting a war for no other reason than a bunch of fat old men's stupid pride. Pray for peace.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Get Out and vote

The Republicans are doing all they can to discourage people from voting, especially if they are minorities. So it is extremely important that everyone gets out and votes so Bushbaby becomes just a bad memory and Cheney disappears back into the dark hole he came out of.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Someone Else's Son

I'm a Vietnam Vet, and I didn't have a rich or influential father to get me out of serving, so I was someone else's son. A friend of mine who is a strong Bushbaby supporter was saying how the Iraq war may have been a mistake but we are in it now and so we have to stay. I asked her if she would be willing to send her son over to Iraq to fight, she said no. I thought to myself that she was saying the war was O.K. as long as someone else's son was fighting it.

We're the U.S. of A.
we don't cut and run
besides we don't worry
it's someone else's son

They're sneaking the bodies back
to Dover one by one
we don't pay any attention
it's someone else's son

Bush, Cheney, Wolfie
they never faced a gun
but they're willing to send you
you're someone else's son

How many is enough
a thousand, a thousand and one
who's bothering to count
it's someone else's son

Rumsfield says we're winning
we've got them on the run
you have no need to worry
it's someone else's son

They say Mission Acomplished
buth this was has not been won
we'll fight it till we're bankrupt
it's someone else's son

When the last death is counted
and all is said and done
We'll put up some stones to remember
someone else's son

While Bush, Cheney, Wolfie
were busy having fun
I went to Vietnam
I was someone else's son

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Lowered Expectations

Yesterday in George Will's column he praised Bushbaby for knowing the names of the leaders of Australia, England, and Poland and for pronouncing their names right. That's what we have sunk to, when the leader of the United States gets credit from his far right friends for pronouncing a name right. Will even went so far as to cite that as one of the reasons he thought Bushbaby won the debate, because he had obviously spent days memorizing and pronouncing those three names.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Just another day in Iraq

Well, the headlines tell it all. 3 car bombs yesterday, 11 dead, including 1 U.S. soldier. Today, 2 U.S. soldiers dead from a rocket attack. Rummy makes an anouncement that we might be able to bring some soldiers back after our election (doesn't it make you suspicious.). It's a good thing Bushbaby doesn't read the papers, he might actually find out what's really going on.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Last Night's Debate

Well the debate is over and though it is obvious that I am prejudice in favor of Kerry, I think he won. Bush again came across as whiny and defensive. Kerry presented a posture of reason and calmness. I don't think Bushbaby's numbers are going to increase after the last debate. Kerry's numbers should solidify, he should begin to edge away from Bushbaby.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Debate night

Hopefully Bush will do as poorly tonight as he did last week. It is amazing to me that anyone could vote for him based on the job loss in his term, the lies and mistakes he and his cabinet have made in Iraq, the spiraling higher deficit that he ignores, therefore mortgaging our children and grandchildren's future, his position on freedom of choice and stem cell research and the generally fouled up job he has done in leading this country for the past four years. If 9/11 hadn't happened he would be a footnote by now, he has rode 9/11 for all it's worth, sweeping everything else under his rug and loudly proclaiming "Mixed messages" and "Sadam was a threat to the U.S."

Thursday, October 07, 2004

How do you tell Bush is lying?

Chaney's lips are moving.

When is this administration going to take responsibility for anything? It is always someone else's fault, the CIA, Clinton, Democrats, etc. Yet it all happened on their incompetent watch.