Wednesday, August 31, 2005

doorway Beaufort, South Carolina

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
This old doorway, how many people have entered through it, how many people have left. Some happy when entering, mad when leaving or just the opposite. For momentous occasions or just to stop in and say hi. Now it stands there in an abandoned building, not used, overgrown by ivy, but a monument to its past. Maybe someone passes by and remembers a time when he or she was in the house and was happy or sad. There is beauty in decay, things don't need to be perfect to be beautiful.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Driessen Beach, Hilton Head, SC

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
Barely aware of
We are tiny grains of sand
to Eternity

Monday, August 29, 2005

sunset, Driessen Beach, Hilton Head, SC

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
The world is a 360 degree place. As a photographer, it's not just about what is in front of us but what's behind us and either side of us. If I was just looking at the ocean, I would have missed this shot which was happening behind me. Looking up, down, to the sides, behind, and in front, so as not to miss anything.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

gator, reeds

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
The alligator
waits silently for his prey
he has time he knows

Saturday, August 27, 2005

door Rt 170 Bluffton South Carolina

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
When we are not quick
to tear things down we don't use
Nature creates art

Friday, August 26, 2005

men ladies

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
A bit of southern gentility. They don't call it men - women, but men-ladies. Another abandoned building on Rt. 170 near Bluffton, South Carolina, that still contains some charm.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Jekyll spider redux

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
In the spider's web
The fly is trapped and cannot
land on the monk's nose

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Jekyll Island spider

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
Like monks meditate
the spider just sits
it will come to him, he knows

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by fauselr.
While at St. Simon's Island in Georgia, I took a picture of the lighthouse there, but didn't stop there. I looked around the area and found this abstract which attracted my eye because of the dark, somber colors.

Monday, August 22, 2005

St Simon door

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
The color of this door and wall reminds me of the buildings on the Greek Isles like Mykennos and Santorini. This being the United States though, the door has steel bars to keep people out. On a Greek island they would never think of needing such a thing.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

leaves stream Savannah National Wildlife Refuge

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
The Amish call it plain simple. The Shakers designed all their furniture around functional and simple. Nature's beauty can be simple. While on this day I didn't find any alligators to photograph, I did find birds, dragonflies, and plants to photograph. We must open our eyes to see.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

egret in flight

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
So far its been mostly luck catching these birds in flight. Have to know which way they are going to break and when, like a hunter stalking his prey, except the bird will still be alive.

Friday, August 19, 2005

abandoned house rt 170 Bluffton, SC

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
One man's eyesore can be the photographer's treasure.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

beach still life

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
After the storm, the sea grass lies on the beach.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Originally uploaded by fauselr.
The dragonfly is an interesting insect. Its huge wingspan with intricate patterns on its wings, the different colors, blues, greens, the number of wings, 2, 4, today I saw a red dragonfly, it was huge with 4 wings but never alit so I couldn't get a picture of it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

beach chairs

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
Colorful beach chairs for a day at the beach, abandoned for the waves.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Originally uploaded by fauselr.
From alligators to dragonflies, from hummingbirds to herons, nature is there to amaze and humble us.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

roadside stand

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
What one person might consider an eyesore another might consider a photo opportunity. While I don't favor the message, I love the medium, a brightly colored roadside stand. This stand is right before the bridge that takes you into Savannah, Georgia.

Friday, August 12, 2005


Originally uploaded by fauselr.
Photographers are but humble penitents prostrate in the catheral that is Nature.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

preening heron

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
There is all sorts of life around a beach, from fish, to crabs, to birds, herons, sea gulls, terns, pelicans. They have learned to adapt and share this wonderland with us humans, so many of us have not learned to share the world with them.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Originally uploaded by fauselr.
Flowers contain so much beauty. We can walk past them every day and they may become commonplace, but if we stop and look, and as a photographer stop and look at them with a different lens, whole new vistas for them can open up. This was taken with a 90mm Macro Tamron lens hand held.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

driessen beach clouds

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
Clouds hanging low over a beach, low tide, broad expanse of sand, people in the picture give it a sense of scale. Use of a polarizing filter to bring out the clouds more against an incredible blue sky.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

clouds, Dreissen Beach, Hilton Head Island

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
Everyday I carry my camera bag down to the beach when I walk my dog. Often, the camera never comes out of my bag. But there are times, magical times, when the light is right, or the clouds are beautiful, or the water reflects the clouds, or any of a thousand possible things, and it makes the days when I never take the camera out of the bag not important, it makes carrying the camera worthwhile.


Originally uploaded by fauselr.
Abstraction is not just what you see but what you feel. Abstraction is there but you have to look for it. Looking at something with "new" eyes, looking deeper into something. Use a macro lens, a fish eye lens, something that puts a different perspective on whatever it is you are photographing. I usually photograph using my Tamron 28-300 lens, almost forgetting that I have a 90mm Macro lens. I need to use the Macro lens more, just for a fresh look at whatever it is I'm photographing.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Macro shot

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
A flower can be shot from any angle, including or omiting what one wants to, using a macro lens. This was shot using a 90mm macro Tamron lens. The long petals are framed by the short petals, the center of the flower not shown at all.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by fauselr.
The past has already happened. The future has not happened yet. There is only this moment. There is only now.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Into the Mystic

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
A flower, a macro lens, and the ordinary becomes an abstraction. Sometimes if we have a macro lens, we should probably just go around the house looking at objects to see what photographs are there.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

white heron, reeds

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
The reeds in the front of the picture, out of focus, add some depth of feed and create a bit more interest than would have been created if I just shot a photograph of the heron itself.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hilton Head Beach

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
Sometimes things align themselves perfectly, my dog running towards the surf, the surf, the lifeguard chair, the clouds in the distance. Used a 82 cooling filter in Photoshop to get the true color of the sky.

Monday, August 01, 2005


Originally uploaded by fauselr.
In the low country of South Carolina, docks like this are commonplace. When the high tide comes in, they are launching places for boats, when it's low tide, the tidal grass rules. I used a yellow filter to increase the color of the grass.