Monday, June 13, 2005

Falling in love with a photo

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
At the camera club that I belonged to, people were always saying that ou shouldn't fall in love with one of your photographs, because then you couldn't be objective. And If you weren't objective you might submit the "photograph you loved" to the monthly judging and it would score low, as if a score justifies taking a photograph. I like showing my images but I found the monthly judging way too subjective with the judges bringing their own baggage to the judging. Even though my pictures scored well, in the last year of my membership I didn't submit any pictures (I didn't quit in anger, I am moving to a different state, over 13 hours away. The reasons were the above, and also because I didn't feel like printing large images (11x14 or 13x19) for judging as large images always scored higher with the judges.
To get back to the subject I digressed from, what's wrong with loving a photograph. You always be your first and most important judge. You are picking the image to print and display, they should always generate a feeling of love in you, otherwise why take the photograph and then print it.


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