Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Another Day, Another Rant

When I try to analyze what went wrong with Kerry's campaign, I realized that I wasn't voting for Kerry, I was voting against Bush. Kerry really never gave people a reason for voting for him, just that he wasn't Bush. That was reason enough for me, but obviously not for a lot of other people. We Democrats obviously picked the wrong man, a man incapable of lighting the fire that was needed to defeat Bush. Now we have to face the reality of four more years of the most inept president in my lifetime, and I have lived 59 years. The Vietnam War terminated the career of Lyndon B. Johnson and the Iraq war will be Bush's legacy, his "gift" to America. I feel like I am a legal alien in the country where I was born, grew up, went to war for, and lived in for the last 59 years. We are dictated to by so-called evangelical christians, who are more concerned with gays getting married than about Americans being killed in Iraq, who are more concerned with abortion than making sure no American has to worry about getting sick with no health insurance, who are more concerned about a candidate's so called "moral values" than that our senior citizens who made this country what it is can't get a decent drug benefit program. Christ said do not kill, he didn't say anything about gays getting married. He said love thy neighbor as thyself, not pass laws regulating other people's lives. It amazes me that the same people who quote the Bible about gays and the Ten Commandments about terminating a pregnancy, seem to be more concerned about a zygote and a person's sexual preference than concerned about the loss of life in Iraq, both our soldiers and Iraqi.


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