Thursday, November 04, 2004

10 Good Reasons to Hate Bush

1. He started an unnecessary war in Iraq.
2. He wants to privatize Social Security.
3. He wants to interfere in our private lives, depriving women the right to choose, depriving gays the right to form a union.
4. The deficit.
5. The refusal to consider Universal Health Care.
6. What he is doing and what he will do to the enviroment.
7. The fact that we invaded a nation with the 2nd largest oil reserve in the world and gas is $2.08 a gallon for regular.
8. No Child Left Behind law not being properly funded.
9. Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfiwitz, Condeleesa Rice, John Ashcroft, and the radical right wingers he is sure to nominate for the Supreme Court.
10. His belief that he has been chosen by God to lead this country into wars with countries like Iraq, Iran, North Korea.

If you think this country is divided now, wait four more years, as Bushbaby and the radical right push their agenda through Congress and into law. The country I grew up in, the country I went into the army and served in Vietnam, the country I believed in, is about to change for the worse, much worse. We use to be a country that cared for our less fortunate, that respected other countries, that wouldn't attack unless attacked, that religion was a private belief and we judged people by their character rather than what religious affiliation they were. This has changed the last four years, and will continue to change. 9/11 happened, but they have used 9/11 as an excuse to erode our liberties, to destroy our economy through deficits and war, to push religion down our throats, and to remake America into a country that is isolated from the world community, does not live up to its agreements (The Geneva Conventions, The Global Warming Accords, etc., etc.) and grows more and more unfriendly to anyone who has a different opinoin of how the world and America should be. If there is a God, I hope he helps us, because we are going to need all the help we can get.


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