Tuesday, July 12, 2005

bike on beach

Originally uploaded by fauselr.
It was a frustrating evening at the beach. The pictures of the egret I took were disapointing, a couple of other pictures I took didn't do anything for me. As I was leaving the Hilton Head beach, I saw this simple shot, a bicycle leaning against a bunch of beach chairs in the sand, the rider forsaking the bike for the waves. It was almost a throw away picture, I almost didn't take it, but seeing I have a Nikon D70 and I wouldn't have to pay for more film or processing, and had plenty of room on my compact flash card, I took it. It turned out to be the only picture of the 15 I took that I liked. Take lots of pictures, especially if you have a digital camera, you never know which one will be the one you like.


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